Thoughts of a Patriot's Spirit
“You can conquer almost any fear if you will only make up your mind to do so.
For remember, fear doesn’t exist anywhere except in the mind.”
Dale Carnegie
For Theresa Myers for Cumberland County Prothonotary website visit
- While I am running for Cumberland County Prothonotary, I am on break from writing my Community Voices Editorials.
Community Voices - Editorials in the Carlisle Sentinel
Community Voices: Educate yourself, others on domestic violence
Oct 30, 2024
Community Voices: Time to properly fund volunteer fire companies
Sep 23, 2024
Community Voices: What the GOP platform could mean for Pennsylvania
August 2, 2024
Community Voices: Know the context before you start protesting
July 2, 2024
Community Voices: Address dangers of social media to youth
Jun 7, 2024
Community Voices: Infrastructure doesn't support government's push for more EVs
May 24, 2024 Updated May 25, 2024
Community Voices: New crisis center a boon for behavioral health care
April 17, 2024
Community Voices: Promising first step in addressing political division
February 2, 2024
Community Voices: 'Republican' group targets Rep. Scott Perry
January 8, 2024
Oct 30, 2024
Community Voices: Time to properly fund volunteer fire companies
Sep 23, 2024
Community Voices: What the GOP platform could mean for Pennsylvania
August 2, 2024
Community Voices: Know the context before you start protesting
July 2, 2024
Community Voices: Address dangers of social media to youth
Jun 7, 2024
Community Voices: Infrastructure doesn't support government's push for more EVs
May 24, 2024 Updated May 25, 2024
Community Voices: New crisis center a boon for behavioral health care
April 17, 2024
Community Voices: Promising first step in addressing political division
February 2, 2024
Community Voices: 'Republican' group targets Rep. Scott Perry
January 8, 2024
Community Voices - Editorials in the Carlisle Sentinel
Community Voices: Affordable housing remains a problem in Cumberland County
December 18, 2023
Community Voices: Fair treatment for female athletes in sports
November 15, 2023
Community Voices: Time to officially pull out of RGGI
October 16, 2023
Community Voices: Problem with ranked choice voting
September 11, 2023
Community Voices: Understanding through Braver Angels
August 23, 2023
Community Voices: Republican committee seeks only to divide
Jul 12, 2023
Community Voices: Take precautions with cannabis legalization plans
Jun 26, 2023
Community Voices: Mental health funding deficit a real issue
May 24, 2023
Guest Editorial: Is mental health important to you?
April 26, 2023
December 18, 2023
Community Voices: Fair treatment for female athletes in sports
November 15, 2023
Community Voices: Time to officially pull out of RGGI
October 16, 2023
Community Voices: Problem with ranked choice voting
September 11, 2023
Community Voices: Understanding through Braver Angels
August 23, 2023
Community Voices: Republican committee seeks only to divide
Jul 12, 2023
Community Voices: Take precautions with cannabis legalization plans
Jun 26, 2023
Community Voices: Mental health funding deficit a real issue
May 24, 2023
Guest Editorial: Is mental health important to you?
April 26, 2023
Past "Thursdays with Theresa"
While I was chairwoman of the Western Cumberland County Republican Club and during the COVID-19 pandemic, I thought as an outreach of the club on our Facebook page I would have a short videos to educate on conservative principles (Eight topics came from Barry Goldwater's Book "Conscience of a Conservative") via a 10-15 minute weekly video using Facebook Live. I started in the summer of 2021. Due to the limited circulation of the posts by Facebook resulting in only 20-40 views of each video, I decided not to continue and stopped doing them after the Fall of 2021. The videos are below- All except one on Buying Happiness that can only be viewed directly from Facebook.
Some of the topics included were on State's Rights, Critical Race Theory, Texas Heartbeat Bill, U.S. Military Exit from Afghanistan in August of 2021, Perils of Power, Socialism/Communism, The Welfare State, Taxes & Spending...
Some of the topics included were on State's Rights, Critical Race Theory, Texas Heartbeat Bill, U.S. Military Exit from Afghanistan in August of 2021, Perils of Power, Socialism/Communism, The Welfare State, Taxes & Spending...
"Face of a Republican" - A column in the Carlisle Sentinel
THERESA MYERS Face of a Republican: Building from the bottom up By Theresa Myers, For The Sentinel May 24, 2014 A primer on how America can get its groove back is how I would label Jim DeMint and his Heritage Foundation colleagues’ new book, “Falling in … THERESA MYERS Face of a Republican: Conservatism coexists with freedom By Theresa Myers, For The Sentinel May 17, 2014 I am like the 63 percent of voters from a May 14 Rasmussen Report who thinks the country is headed down the wrong track. THERESA MYERS Face of a Republican: Fight to keep the Internet neutral By Theresa Myers, For The Sentinel May 10, 2014 Two separate decisions are in the works that could have a negative impact on content accessibility and cost to Internet subscribers. THERESA MYERS Face of a Republican: Benghazi and leadership By Theresa Myers, For The Sentinel May 3, 2014 My Face of a Republican column first appeared in The Sentinel on April 21, 2013. My objectives for the commentaries were to inform, inspire an… THERESA MYERS Face of a Republican: ‘Everything old is new again’ By Theresa Myers, For The Sentinel Apr 26, 2014 Last week, I attended the event “Revisiting the Cold War: CIA Analysis and Collection” that featured several presenters who were unsung heroes… THERESA MYERS Face of a Republican: Ensure that officials are accessible By Theresa Myers, For The Sentinel Apr 12, 2014 With redistricting, many of us have new state legislators. Cumberland County now will be represented by three state senators — Districts 30, 3… THERESA MYERS Face of a Republican: It’s time to approve the pipeline By Theresa Myers, For The Sentinel Apr 5, 2014 The public comment period closed March 7 for the presidential permit application for the Keystone XL Pipeline. COLUMNISTS MYERS COLUMN: Biploar Day: Beyond awareness By Theresa Myers Mar 29, 2014 World Bipolar Day celebrates its inaugural year on March 30, which is the birthday of Vincent Van Gogh, who was posthumously diagnosed as like… THERESA MYERS Face of a Republican: Where are your own ethics? By Theresa Myers, For The Sentinel Mar 22, 2014 Because a governing body condones a practice doesn’t necessarily make it the right thing to do, legal or vice versa. THERESA MYERS Face of a Republican: The wrath of your own party By Theresa Myers, For The Sentinel Mar 15, 2014 The majority of incumbent Pennsylvania state lawmakers think primary challengers from within their own party, regardless of performance, are a… THERESA MYERS Face of a Republican: Fairness: Collection of union dues By Theresa Myers, For The Sentinel Mar 8, 2014 The Union Plus website identifies the purpose of unions as “increasing wages, raising the standard of living for the working class, ensuring s… THERESA MYERS Face of a Republican: Is U.S. Constitution still relevant? By Theresa Myers, For The Sentinel Mar 1, 2014 “Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn’t pass it on to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought fo… THERESA MYERS Face of a Republican: Pumping up Patient Care Act By Theresa Myers, For The Sentinel Feb 22, 2014 The Patient Choice, Affordability, Responsibility and Empowerment Act proposal, better known as the Patient CARE Act, would give back flexibil… THERESA MYERS Face of a Republican: President Obama’s executive pen By Theresa Myers, For The Sentinel Feb 15, 2014 On Feb. 10, the Treasury Department and the Internal Revenue Service issued final regulations for implementing the employer shared responsibil… THERESA MYERS Face of a Republican: Building a stronger Pennsylvania By Theresa Myers, For The Sentinel Feb 8, 2014 Winning is everything for both political parties. THERESA MYERS Face of a Republican: The China two-step By Theresa Myers, For The Sentinel Jan 25, 2014 It has been fascinating to witness the phenomenal growth in the People’s Republic of China. THERESA MYERS Face of a Republican: Be aware of the many ‘isms’ By Theresa Myers, For The Sentinel Jan 18, 2014 This year marks the 50th anniversary of the passing of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. Since then, the act has been expanded by Congress to add … THERESA MYERS Face of a Republican: Why aren’t there more female politicians? By Theresa Myers, For The Sentinel Jan 11, 2014 Before listing the reasons for the under-representation of female politicians and suggesting solutions, I want to explain why it needs to be p… THERESA MYERS Face of a Republican: Mitigating an economic collapse By Theresa Myers, For The Sentinel Jan 4, 2014 Chatter around economic calamity is on the rise. In a Dec. 8, 2013, article titled “Is a Financial Apocalypse Coming?” David John M… |
THERESA MYERS Face of a Republican: What’s in it for America? Dec 30, 2013 The phrase ‘ What’s-In-It-For-Me’ (WII-FM), refers to a concept where a person assesses a situation, often unconsciously, to identify the rewa… THERESA MYERS Face of a Republican: Pause the ACA and begin again Theresa Myers, For The Sentinel Dec 22, 2013 Three years ago the Affordable Care Act (ObamaCare) was enacted along party lines. The president has felt the need to reconstruct the ACA on s… THERESA MYERS Face of a Republican: Integration and fair housing By Theresa Myers, For The Sentinel Dec 14, 2013 At the Nov. 26 Hampden Township Board of Commissioners’ meeting, and with the consent of the developer, the commissioners postponed action on … THERESA MYERS Face of a Republican: Surfing the Marcellus fracking wave By Theresa Myers, For The Sentinel Dec 7, 2013 Triggered by demand and high commodity prices, Pennsylvania Marcellus Shale well development exploded from 2005-2012 with 6,245 wells being dr… THERESA MYERS Face of a Republican: Buying happiness? By Theresa Myers, For The Sentinel Nov 30, 2013 The annual cycle of holiday celebrations and excess is upon us. It seems automatic to focus on material possessions this time of year, usually… THERESA MYERS Face of a Republican: Why did Obama miss the Gettysburg Address anniversary? By Theresa Myers, For The Sentinel Nov 23, 2013 What was President Barack Obama thinking when he decided to decline the invitation to speak at the 150th anniversary of Abraham Lincoln’s Gett… THERESA MYERS Face of a Republican: Agriculture is the No. 1 business in Pennsylvania By Theresa Myers, For The Sentinel Nov 16, 2013 According to the 2007 Census of Agriculture, there are 2.2 million farms in the United States. Of those, 63,000 are in Pennsylvania and 1,550 … THERESA MYERS Face of a Republican: New beginnings with redistricting By Theresa Myers, For The Sentinel Nov 2, 2013 The redrawing of a district’s geographical lines is called redistricting. This is done in order to maintain an even distribution of the fixed … THERESA MYERS Face of the Republican: School board duties By Theresa Myers, For The Sentinel Oct 26, 2013 Cumberland County has nine public school districts each governed by a board of nine directors who are elected and serve four-year terms of off… THERESA MYERS Face of a Republican: Clearing land to build a common ground By Theresa Myers, For The Sentinel Oct 19, 2013 How can you obtain a solution to a problem if one side believes it does not have to negotiate because they think their solution is the best on… THERESA MYERS Face of a Republican: Seeking leadership By Theresa Myers, For The Sentinel Oct 12, 2013 I have had to limit my intake of the battle between the political parties and the White House because it is discouraging to see how manipulati… THERESA MYERS Face of a Republican: Restoration amendments By Theresa Myers, For The Sentinel Sep 28, 2013 Sixty percent of Americans believe the federal government has too much power, according to a recent Gallup Politics Governance survey conducte… THERESA MYERS Face of a Republican: The future source of our news By Theresa Myers, For The Sentinel Sep 21, 2013 The original Smith-Mundt Act of 1948 has been described as “a key statute outlining the global mission of U.S. propaganda abroad and limitatio… THERESA MYERS Face of a Republican: Syria and the question of war By Theresa Myers, For The Sentinel Sep 14, 2013 Dear Congress, if you give the OK for the president to engage in any military operation against Syria, do not send him to the fight with tied … THERESA MYERS Face of a Republican: Public health a job for everyone Theresa Myers, For The Sentinel Sep 7, 2013 Public health’s patient is the community rather than an individual. Protecting and promoting the public health of Americans is the job of the … THERESA MYERS Face of a Republican: Handling health care and obesity By Theresa Myers, For The Sentinel Aug 31, 2013 Health care in the United States is a major economic driver. The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services estimates that in 2010 it represen… THERESA MYERS Face of a Republican: Looking into religion-free politics By Theresa Myers, For The Sentinel Aug 24, 2013 What characteristics and job skills are needed of a lawmaker? If religion is part of acquiring those skills, can the two really be separated? THERESA MYERS Face of a Republican: No trust and no respect Theresa Myers, Sentinel Columnist Aug 18, 2013 No trust and no respect explains Democratic and Republican party hostility and the display of partisanship in the Legislature that is more res… THERESA MYERS Face of a Republican: Finding a solution from within By Theresa Myers, Sentinel Columnist Aug 4, 2013 The accusations of race-baiting hurled at Baptist minister Al Sharpton come from people who forget that people willingly attend his rallies. THERESA MYERS Face of a Republican: 3R Elephant Party By Theresa Myers, For The Sentinel Jul 28, 2013 Over the last few months I have inquired of people why they are Republicans. Being a Republican is not the same as being a conservative — this… THERESA MYERS Face of a Republican: What do county commissioners do? By Theresa Myers, Sentinel Columnist Jul 21, 2013 There have been several complaints about the Cumberland County Commissioners’ decision to hire a consulting firm to help do the county’s missi… THERESA MYERS Face of a Republican: It’s getting hot around here By Theresa Myers, For The Sentinel Jul 13, 2013 In June President Obama unveiled lists he called Action Plans to Fight Climate Change. An infographic on the White House website has this quot… THERESA MYERS Face of a Republican: Winners, losers, no big deal By Theresa Myers, For The Sentinel Jul 6, 2013 The Affordable Care Act (ACA), also known as Obamacare, was signed into law by President Barack Obama on March 23, 2010, and upheld by the Sup… THERESA MYERS Face of a Republican: Having no immigration bill is better than this one By Theresa Myers, Sentinel Columnist Jun 30, 2013 I got the last space on a bus the Cumberland County 9-12 Project had to Washington D.C. on June 19. I attended the six-hour news conference on… THERESA MYERS Face of a Republican: It depends By Theresa Myers, For The Sentinel Jun 23, 2013 Do you want flexibility, independent, creative thinkers and choice or do you want conformist, consistency, group think and less choice? THERESA MYERS Face of a Republican: Born blue By Theresa Myers, Sentinel Columnist Jun 17, 2013 My father came to the U.S. from Puerto Rico to work as a busboy in Miami hotels in the 1950s. Opportunities to work on the railroad became ava… THERESA MYERS Face of a Republican: Marriage and a state’s right to self-determination By Theresa Myers, For The Sentinel Jun 9, 2013 Marriage equality tends to polarize people. I remind myself that when respecting the U.S. Constitution and the freedoms it gives me, it provid… THERESA MYERS Opinion: Not Republican enough? By Theresa Myers, Sentinel Columnist Jun 2, 2013 Not Republican Enough? I am talking about the evaluation that I am an imposter or a “RINO” (Republican in Name Only). THERESA MYERS Opinion: A day made to remember By Theresa Myers, Sentinel Columnist May 26, 2013 What does Memorial Day mean to you? |
God Bless the USA
A Partiot's Spirit: It's a condition of the heart.
A Patriot's Spirit: What's the movement about?
Please enjoy God Bless the USA by Lee Greenwood 1984
A Patriot’s Spirit: It’s a condition of the heart
By Theresa Myers For
July 19, 2020
July 19, 2020
The impetus for this article was a message by my pastor of the Shippensburg First Church of God preached on July 19, 2020. The pastor started by talking about the division that our country is currently seeing. How division has been a weapon of the devil starting with Adam and Eve when he divided them from God. He continued with a few more biblical examples which led into what is the root cause of the problems that divide us. The pastor shared that the core problem is “a condition of the heart.” The pastor didn’t’ leave us hanging by only telling us the problem, he also offered a solution.
Before I share what the solution is, I want to talk about the division our country is seeing now over race relations. The most recent match that set the country on this journey was the death of George Floyd on May 25, 2020, as a result of a police officer holding his knee on George’s neck for 8 minutes and 46 seconds while George was telling the officers he couldn’t breathe. George died on that sidewalk that day. A bystander videoed the abhorrent event and the world was in shock and disbelief. I chose not to watch the video. I could not witness the murder of a man. It would be an image I could not get out of my mind. Just by reading about it my heart grieved. This inexcusable act of police brutality has led to protests across the country. Some of these protests have been peaceful and others not. These protests have led to a conversation of how black and brown people (minorities) are treated in this country in a systemic way from education, the justice system to opportunities in general.
As a woman who has white skin and has the last name Myers, one might think I know nothing about racism. I know it firsthand. See my maiden name was Santiago. My father who raised me from the age of 12 as a single parent was Puerto Rican with a dark olive complexion and spoke English with a heavy Spanish accent. Many people only speaking English had a hard time understanding him though I never did. He made a strong effort to improve his English and tried awfully hard to do so. I do not speak Spanish. The longer I lived with him and he spoke more English the better he got.
I witnessed many times salesclerks, waitresses, people taking orders at fast-food restaurants, and other places being annoyed by his English (timeframe 1976-1983). I would have to step in to assist. It was sad to me to have someone I loved so much being treated this way. They looked down on him just because he was Puerto Rican. Puerto Ricans were thought of as lower class in the town at that time. My mother’s mother (who was white Appalachian from Pikeville, KY living in Ashtabula, Ohio who were also looked down on in the town) had disowned my mother for marrying a Puerto Rican. When I was born (1965) her mother had wished I had died so needless to say there was no relationship there. I was an outcast from that side of the family and not accepted. So I know racist people exist firsthand.
Fast forward to 1997 and I am in Statesboro, Georgia, attending graduate school and still had my maiden name - Santiago. One of my fellow classmates had the nerve to ask me if I had gotten into grad school because I was a minority. I was so shocked she had the nerve to ask me that – that’s racist. I said no, I got in because I met the requirements. I often was the highest scorer on exams and projects. I was tutoring my fellow classmates. I hardly needed a special pass.
On other occasions while I still had my maiden name, people would ask me where I got my last name. That is racists. What difference does it make? I would say I was born with it and then they would say no, where are you from? I would say America. I consider it ignorant and rude. Since I have had my current last name – Myers, I have never been asked where I got my last name.
I am a white woman with the ethnicity of Hispanic and I have had these benign mild experiences. I cannot imagine the experiences of the people who you can see their color. Something has to be done to improve the situation for minorities in our country. Denial that it exists is not moving us constructively along the journey.
It is easy to love people like you but not always easy to love someone who is different. How can you love people who are different than yourself? How do you fix that “condition of the heart?” If you start sharing the love of Jesus with people especially people who are “different” from yourself along any lines (race, economic status, religion, sexuality orientation…), your heart will change.
You change people’s hearts; you can bring people together. The pastor has titled this movement to share the love of Jesus with people who are different than yourself, “Samaritan Revolution.” We change this mistreatment of people regardless of whether it be based on race, sexual orientation, pro-life or anti-life, or anything else by personally choosing to examine our heart and step out in faith to “share the love of Jesus” with someone different than yourself.
Will you join me in being part of the movement “Samaritan Revolution?”
We can change the country and heal our divided land!
Let's do this and make a difference.
In the name of Jesus Christ,
Before I share what the solution is, I want to talk about the division our country is seeing now over race relations. The most recent match that set the country on this journey was the death of George Floyd on May 25, 2020, as a result of a police officer holding his knee on George’s neck for 8 minutes and 46 seconds while George was telling the officers he couldn’t breathe. George died on that sidewalk that day. A bystander videoed the abhorrent event and the world was in shock and disbelief. I chose not to watch the video. I could not witness the murder of a man. It would be an image I could not get out of my mind. Just by reading about it my heart grieved. This inexcusable act of police brutality has led to protests across the country. Some of these protests have been peaceful and others not. These protests have led to a conversation of how black and brown people (minorities) are treated in this country in a systemic way from education, the justice system to opportunities in general.
As a woman who has white skin and has the last name Myers, one might think I know nothing about racism. I know it firsthand. See my maiden name was Santiago. My father who raised me from the age of 12 as a single parent was Puerto Rican with a dark olive complexion and spoke English with a heavy Spanish accent. Many people only speaking English had a hard time understanding him though I never did. He made a strong effort to improve his English and tried awfully hard to do so. I do not speak Spanish. The longer I lived with him and he spoke more English the better he got.
I witnessed many times salesclerks, waitresses, people taking orders at fast-food restaurants, and other places being annoyed by his English (timeframe 1976-1983). I would have to step in to assist. It was sad to me to have someone I loved so much being treated this way. They looked down on him just because he was Puerto Rican. Puerto Ricans were thought of as lower class in the town at that time. My mother’s mother (who was white Appalachian from Pikeville, KY living in Ashtabula, Ohio who were also looked down on in the town) had disowned my mother for marrying a Puerto Rican. When I was born (1965) her mother had wished I had died so needless to say there was no relationship there. I was an outcast from that side of the family and not accepted. So I know racist people exist firsthand.
Fast forward to 1997 and I am in Statesboro, Georgia, attending graduate school and still had my maiden name - Santiago. One of my fellow classmates had the nerve to ask me if I had gotten into grad school because I was a minority. I was so shocked she had the nerve to ask me that – that’s racist. I said no, I got in because I met the requirements. I often was the highest scorer on exams and projects. I was tutoring my fellow classmates. I hardly needed a special pass.
On other occasions while I still had my maiden name, people would ask me where I got my last name. That is racists. What difference does it make? I would say I was born with it and then they would say no, where are you from? I would say America. I consider it ignorant and rude. Since I have had my current last name – Myers, I have never been asked where I got my last name.
I am a white woman with the ethnicity of Hispanic and I have had these benign mild experiences. I cannot imagine the experiences of the people who you can see their color. Something has to be done to improve the situation for minorities in our country. Denial that it exists is not moving us constructively along the journey.
It is easy to love people like you but not always easy to love someone who is different. How can you love people who are different than yourself? How do you fix that “condition of the heart?” If you start sharing the love of Jesus with people especially people who are “different” from yourself along any lines (race, economic status, religion, sexuality orientation…), your heart will change.
You change people’s hearts; you can bring people together. The pastor has titled this movement to share the love of Jesus with people who are different than yourself, “Samaritan Revolution.” We change this mistreatment of people regardless of whether it be based on race, sexual orientation, pro-life or anti-life, or anything else by personally choosing to examine our heart and step out in faith to “share the love of Jesus” with someone different than yourself.
Will you join me in being part of the movement “Samaritan Revolution?”
We can change the country and heal our divided land!
Let's do this and make a difference.
In the name of Jesus Christ,
- Reference to the story of the Samaritan
A Samaritan Village Rejects the Savior Luke 9: 51-55
51 Now it came to pass, when the time had come for Him to be received up, that He steadfastly set His face to go to Jerusalem, 52 and sent messengers before His face. And as they went, they entered a village of the Samaritans, to prepare for Him. 53 But they did not receive Him, because His face was set for the journey to Jerusalem. 54 And when His disciples James and John saw this, they said, “Lord, do You want us to command fire to come down from heaven and consume them, [j]just as Elijah did?”
55 But He turned and rebuked them, [k]and said, “You do not know what manner of spirit you are of. 56 [l]For the Son of Man did not come to destroy men’s lives but to save them.” And they went to another village.
The Parable of the Good Samaritan Luke 10: 25-37
25 And behold, a certain [h]lawyer stood up and tested Him, saying, “Teacher, what shall I do to inherit eternal life?”
26 He said to him, “What is written in the law? What is your reading of it?”
27 So he answered and said, “ ‘You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your strength, and with all your mind,’ and ‘your neighbor as yourself.’ ”
28 And He said to him, “You have answered rightly; do this and you will live.”
29 But he, wanting to justify himself, said to Jesus, “And who is my neighbor?”
30 Then Jesus answered and said: “A certain man went down from Jerusalem to Jericho, and fell among [i]thieves, who stripped him of his clothing, wounded him, and departed, leaving him half dead. 31 Now by chance a certain priest came down that road. And when he saw him, he passed by on the other side. 32 Likewise a Levite, when he arrived at the place, came and looked, and passed by on the other side. 33 But a certain Samaritan, as he journeyed, came where he was. And when he saw him, he had compassion. 34 So he went to him and bandaged his wounds, pouring on oil and wine; and he set him on his own animal, brought him to an inn, and took care of him. 35 On the next day, [j]when he departed, he took out two denarii, gave them to the innkeeper, and said to him, ‘Take care of him; and whatever more you spend, when I come again, I will repay you.’ 36 So which of these three do you think was neighbor to him who fell among the thieves?”
37 And he said, “He who showed mercy on him.”
Then Jesus said to him, “Go and do likewise.”
A Patriot’s Spirit: What’s the movement about?
By Theresa Myers For
August 2, 2020
August 2, 2020
On May 25, 2020, George Floyd was killed by a police officer in Minneapolis, Minnesota during an arrest for allegedly passing a counterfeit $20 bill to buy a pack of cigarettes. His death was ruled a homicide. Floyd was a 46-year-old black American man and his killing at the hands of a white police officer triggered protests across the country to call out racism in America. Initially, the protests that sprang up were recognizing the injustice George Floyd had suffered, the broader spotlight on police brutality that disproportionately affects minorities, and the lack of police accountability in weeding out bad cops.
They used the slogan “Black Lives Matter.” There is a difference between making a statement “Black Lives Matter” which I would think everyone could support and the organizational structure of the “Black Lives Matter Movement.” On Jun 9, 2020, I wrote a Letter to the Editor of the Carlisle Sentinel titled “Black vs All lives matter.” (see below). At the end of the letter, I said before I could support the “Movement” I would need to better understand their platform and plans/tactics to effect these necessary changes. I encouraged others to do the same before jumping on the bandwagon. What follows is my research on this “Movement” in the context of understanding their platform and plans/tactics.
The #Black Lives Matter Movement was started by three black women - Alicia Garza, Patrisse Cullors, and Opal Tometi. According to their website s #BlackLivesMatter was founded in 2013 in response to the acquittal of Trayvon Martin’s murderer. “Black Lives Matter Foundation, Inc is a global organization whose mission is to eradicate white supremacy and build local power to intervene in violence inflicted on Black communities by the state and vigilantes.” According to a June 25, 2020 NY Post article which was based on a newly surfaced video from 2015 showed one of the co-founders stating they consider themselves “trained Marxist.” Further Patrisse Cullo, “The first thing, I think, is that we actually do have an ideological frame. Myself and Alicia in particular are trained organizers.”
What does someone believe who calls themselves a Marxist? The simplistic answer is Marxism is a set of political and economic ideas that are based on the belief that the rich business owners exploit their workers and the lower classes. The ultimate solution is a form of government called communism (stateless, classless society). No Capitalism. The stages to get to communism are to first go through socialism. Socialism is just a transition step, not the end.
How do you destroy a capitalists society moving it to communism? One: destabilize. Two: have the government take over core industries, functions from the private sector. Three: come in for the blow with a revolution or civil war. Four: confiscate the belongings of the rich then. Five: devalue the currency for the final blow.
According to Lenin “Experience has taught us it is impossible to root out the evils of capitalism merely by confiscation and expropriation, for however ruthlessly such measures may be applied, astute speculators and obstinate survivors of the capitalist classes will always manage to evade them and continue to corrupt the life of the community. The simplest way to exterminate the very spirit of capitalism is therefore to flood the country with notes of a high face-value without financial guarantees of any sort. Already even a hundred-ruble note is almost valueless in Russia. Soon even the simplest peasant will realize that it is only a scrap of paper, not worth more than the rags from which it is manufactured. Men will cease to covet and hoard it so soon as they discover it will not buy anything, and the great illusion of the value and power of money, on which the capitalist state is based will have been definitely destroyed.”
Can there be a stateless, classless society?
Even thinking there can be a stateless, classless free society with "no division or alienation, where humanity is free from oppression and scarcity, and where there is no need for governments or countries and no class divisions" is ludicrous. Order is needed. It has never worked for the good of the masses for a country to have true socialism or communism as a form of government. After the revolution or civil war there would be a state of chaos and then a structure of government would emerge which would be led by the revolutionaries/victors and their supporters. It would be abusive and they would enrich themselves at the expense of the peasants/losers. These new leaders would become the new rich, the elite. To make sure they are not overthrown by the same tactics they used, they would take away our freedoms and be very controlling. No such thing as a Bill of Rights.
We must remember the Russian Revolution was violent. China had a civil war 1947-1949 with the eventual Communist victory. Neither of these countries is known for human rights or allowing freedoms for their people.
Knowing the ideological background of the BLM founders and their motivation, certainly sheds light on the tactics we see being used by them in the protests which have had mayhem and violence. We must remember the ultimate objective is to destroy our current system of government and way of life. All the programs of their Foundation are tools to get them to the end goal and a way to gather supporters along the way. They are noise.
It may not happen in 2020 but this Movement is not going anywhere, and we need to be alert and vigilant to their activities.
I support Black Lives and they Matter but I can not support the official BLM Movement organization and condone its tactics. It is not a movement of peace or love. I hope others will consider this background when deciding to jump on the bandwagon.
June 24, 2020 Carlisle Sentinel
In this article is an exchange where activists are requesting that the Cumberland County Commissioners state Black Lives Matter. It is interesting to see Commissioner Gary Eichelberger’s statements regarding the Black Lives Matter Movement.
Letter: Black vs All lives matter
Jun 9, 2020
Letter to Editor Carlisle Sentinel
Dear Editor:
I recently read an article on the Fox News website were the singer Pink was getting push back from her fans due to her support of the Black Lives Matter Movement. Many of the posts were stating ALL lives matter to which Pink replied, no one is saying ALL lives don’t matter and to educate yourself. This got me thinking. I too believe all lives matter and are unique and have value from conception to death.
However, I realized that is not what saying Black Lives Matter is about. To me saying Black Lives Matter is recognition that many black people have been left out, marginalized, discriminated against and sometimes even killed by a system due to the color of their skin. It is not just rarely but a system exists in many institutions allowing this behavior to fester in America for centuries.
Saying Black Lives Matter to me means — “Enough is enough and we aren’t going to take it anymore. We are drawing the line in the sand.” I support the statement, Black Lives Matter, in that context. Before supporting the “Movement,” I need to better understand their platform and plans/tactics to effect these necessary changes. I recommend others do the same as well before jumping on the bandwagon.
Theresa Myers
They used the slogan “Black Lives Matter.” There is a difference between making a statement “Black Lives Matter” which I would think everyone could support and the organizational structure of the “Black Lives Matter Movement.” On Jun 9, 2020, I wrote a Letter to the Editor of the Carlisle Sentinel titled “Black vs All lives matter.” (see below). At the end of the letter, I said before I could support the “Movement” I would need to better understand their platform and plans/tactics to effect these necessary changes. I encouraged others to do the same before jumping on the bandwagon. What follows is my research on this “Movement” in the context of understanding their platform and plans/tactics.
The #Black Lives Matter Movement was started by three black women - Alicia Garza, Patrisse Cullors, and Opal Tometi. According to their website s #BlackLivesMatter was founded in 2013 in response to the acquittal of Trayvon Martin’s murderer. “Black Lives Matter Foundation, Inc is a global organization whose mission is to eradicate white supremacy and build local power to intervene in violence inflicted on Black communities by the state and vigilantes.” According to a June 25, 2020 NY Post article which was based on a newly surfaced video from 2015 showed one of the co-founders stating they consider themselves “trained Marxist.” Further Patrisse Cullo, “The first thing, I think, is that we actually do have an ideological frame. Myself and Alicia in particular are trained organizers.”
What does someone believe who calls themselves a Marxist? The simplistic answer is Marxism is a set of political and economic ideas that are based on the belief that the rich business owners exploit their workers and the lower classes. The ultimate solution is a form of government called communism (stateless, classless society). No Capitalism. The stages to get to communism are to first go through socialism. Socialism is just a transition step, not the end.
How do you destroy a capitalists society moving it to communism? One: destabilize. Two: have the government take over core industries, functions from the private sector. Three: come in for the blow with a revolution or civil war. Four: confiscate the belongings of the rich then. Five: devalue the currency for the final blow.
According to Lenin “Experience has taught us it is impossible to root out the evils of capitalism merely by confiscation and expropriation, for however ruthlessly such measures may be applied, astute speculators and obstinate survivors of the capitalist classes will always manage to evade them and continue to corrupt the life of the community. The simplest way to exterminate the very spirit of capitalism is therefore to flood the country with notes of a high face-value without financial guarantees of any sort. Already even a hundred-ruble note is almost valueless in Russia. Soon even the simplest peasant will realize that it is only a scrap of paper, not worth more than the rags from which it is manufactured. Men will cease to covet and hoard it so soon as they discover it will not buy anything, and the great illusion of the value and power of money, on which the capitalist state is based will have been definitely destroyed.”
Can there be a stateless, classless society?
Even thinking there can be a stateless, classless free society with "no division or alienation, where humanity is free from oppression and scarcity, and where there is no need for governments or countries and no class divisions" is ludicrous. Order is needed. It has never worked for the good of the masses for a country to have true socialism or communism as a form of government. After the revolution or civil war there would be a state of chaos and then a structure of government would emerge which would be led by the revolutionaries/victors and their supporters. It would be abusive and they would enrich themselves at the expense of the peasants/losers. These new leaders would become the new rich, the elite. To make sure they are not overthrown by the same tactics they used, they would take away our freedoms and be very controlling. No such thing as a Bill of Rights.
We must remember the Russian Revolution was violent. China had a civil war 1947-1949 with the eventual Communist victory. Neither of these countries is known for human rights or allowing freedoms for their people.
Knowing the ideological background of the BLM founders and their motivation, certainly sheds light on the tactics we see being used by them in the protests which have had mayhem and violence. We must remember the ultimate objective is to destroy our current system of government and way of life. All the programs of their Foundation are tools to get them to the end goal and a way to gather supporters along the way. They are noise.
It may not happen in 2020 but this Movement is not going anywhere, and we need to be alert and vigilant to their activities.
I support Black Lives and they Matter but I can not support the official BLM Movement organization and condone its tactics. It is not a movement of peace or love. I hope others will consider this background when deciding to jump on the bandwagon.
June 24, 2020 Carlisle Sentinel
In this article is an exchange where activists are requesting that the Cumberland County Commissioners state Black Lives Matter. It is interesting to see Commissioner Gary Eichelberger’s statements regarding the Black Lives Matter Movement.
Letter: Black vs All lives matter
Jun 9, 2020
Letter to Editor Carlisle Sentinel
Dear Editor:
I recently read an article on the Fox News website were the singer Pink was getting push back from her fans due to her support of the Black Lives Matter Movement. Many of the posts were stating ALL lives matter to which Pink replied, no one is saying ALL lives don’t matter and to educate yourself. This got me thinking. I too believe all lives matter and are unique and have value from conception to death.
However, I realized that is not what saying Black Lives Matter is about. To me saying Black Lives Matter is recognition that many black people have been left out, marginalized, discriminated against and sometimes even killed by a system due to the color of their skin. It is not just rarely but a system exists in many institutions allowing this behavior to fester in America for centuries.
Saying Black Lives Matter to me means — “Enough is enough and we aren’t going to take it anymore. We are drawing the line in the sand.” I support the statement, Black Lives Matter, in that context. Before supporting the “Movement,” I need to better understand their platform and plans/tactics to effect these necessary changes. I recommend others do the same as well before jumping on the bandwagon.
Theresa Myers
“committed to working with anyone to get good things done.”
Concept from Americans for Prosperity
Concept from Americans for Prosperity
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